Sunday, June 23, 2019

Week of English and Learning (Mission Update)


This week I have no new pictures for you. But I will tell you about this family and their experiences. 

But first, my dad's birthday was on Tuesday and I got to call him and talk to him. I love this new guidline that we can call on our parents' birthdays and can talk with them. It was an amazing and wonderful experience. 

It's a weird case, because we did service for this family a couple weeks of go, and the Elders were teaching so we decided to split the family and my companion will be teaching the two kids and they will be teaching the parents. The whole family has a baptism date for the 13th of April. We will be helping them so that the date will not fall through and they as a family will get baptised. So please pray for this family, their names are Jacy, Manuel, Diego and Sofia. 

We were helping this family and I was giving them an English lesson and I made a pretty stupid mistake. Here's what happened:

In Spanish we say "yo tengo ___ anos" (which literally means "I am ___ years") Which we don't say in English, we say "I am ___ years old." But I was teaching them and thinking in Spanish so I said "I have 21 years old". So I'm losing my English. My companion and the two Elders who were there were quick to correct me and laughed at my mistake. 

Hope you have a good week! Til next time!

Love, Hermana Madsen

April 1, 2019

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