Sunday, June 23, 2019

Carnival (Mission Update)

Hey everyone! 

I have so much to tell you! I am now in Urubamba, a town that is about 1 hour and 20 minutes away. It is way pretty! I have only been therefor about 3 days so I don't have a lot to tell you. 

This last Sunday was Carnival. Don't ask me why they have it but it's this day for water balloons and splashing random people on the streets. We had an appointment with a family and they invited the Elders.... which was a mistake. We walked in and as we were entering the house they got us wet with water. It was insane! 

Then today, for P-day, we played volleyball and soccer and as we were sitting down talking these Elders went and came back with water balloons and got us soaked! But I got them back with water from my water bottle. That was fun and way crazy! 

I don't have a lot of pictures to send you but Monday I'll have more. 

Well, that's all I have for now! Love you all! 

Love, Hermana Madsen

March 7, 2019

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